Monday 1 August 2011

LA Noire

The game takes place in 1947 Los Angeles, a city of glamour, fame, and wealth, but also where crime, vice, and corruption are rife. The player assumes the role of LAPD Police Officer and later Detective Cole Phelps.[22][23] The game starts with Phelps as a uniformed patrolman,[24] and follows his career as he advances through the police department bureaus of Traffic, Homicide, Vice and Arson. Each new desk gives the player a new partner who will help Phelps in his investigations.
The game blends investigative elements such as mystery and crime solving, with fast-paced action sequences, including on-foot and car chases, hand-to-hand combat, interrogations and gunfights.[22] In addition to the storyline missions, the player can work on optional side-investigations following a call from dispatch, known as Street Crimes. The player can travel on foot, as well as in various cars that are unlocked as Phelps progresses through the police departments. The player also has a total of ten detective suits available; an initial six, plus another four downloadable ones. The suits are equipped with special abilities, such as increased damage protection and increased aim when firing a gun.
If the player is having trouble completing the action sequences, after three failed attempts, they will have the option to skip past and continue through the narrative.[25]
Unlike Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto series, the player cannot freely create chaos and kill civilians with weapons and cars, as the character is a police detective. Weapons are only allowed in appropriate circumstances and only when a player is working on a case where a weapon is warranted.[26]

L.A. Noire tells the story of Los Angeles Police Department Detective Cole Phelps, a man who is haunted by his actions in World War II. The reason for Phelps joining the force is at first unknown, but later it is revealed that he wishes to atone for the wrongs done in the war. Through various flashbacks, the detective's history in the force becomes clear.
Phelps joined the U.S. Marine Corps along with a man named Jack Kelso, who he clashed with often over various matters regarding military procedure. Suffering from "Custer Syndrome", he saw the war as America heading into a Golden Age, and he wished to become a hero in the war. Eventually, Phelps was stationed on Okinawa with his unit, where he witnessed the death of his entire unit on Sugar Loaf Hill at the hands of Japanese soldiers during the Battle of Okinawa. When he witnessed this, Phelps went into shock and spent the whole battle curled up in a fox-hole, until he was found by Jack Kelso the next morning. For his actions, Phelps was awarded the Silver Star and was promoted to Lieutenant, finally achieving status as a war-hero. Due to this, Phelps was looked down on by his unit, and was seen as a coward. Throughout his life, Phelps was ashamed of this, and he wished to prove his courage to the other Marines.
Near the end of the Battle of Okinawa, Phelps was given orders to clear out any houses or caves that may be housing Japanese soldiers. Eventually, Phelps came upon a large cave that he suspected to be holding soldiers, and he requisitioned a flamethrower from another squad in order to clear it out, wanting to "do it by the numbers." When the flamethrower showed up, a lumbering Texan named Ira Hogeboom, he advanced upon the cave and had it burned. But soon after, Phelps and his squad came to realise the cave was a makeshift medical hospital for civilians. Panicking, and his squad hysterical, Phelps ordered for his men to put the civilians down, most of which are women and children, and then leave the cave. Pushed to the breaking point by Cole's orders, a young medic named Courtney Sheldon shoots Cole in the back. Kelso orders for Phelps to be taken away, and tells the men to never talk of what happened.
The events of L.A. Noire take place after the end of World War II, following Phelps as he joins the force. Kelso has moved on to become an private investigator for an insurance company called California Fire and Life, hoping to put the demons of the war to rest.
Throughout the game, Phelps is assigned to five crime desks. On each desk, Phelps recieves a different partner and a different superior

Patrol Desk
The game begins with Phelps on the Patrol Desk at the LAPD Wilshire Division 7 Police Station as a new member of the Los Angeles Police Department in 1947 Los Angeles, investigating a murder with his new partner Officer Ralph Dunn. After catching the killer, Phelps discovers a pay-out notebook, which contains the name of an LAPD Homicide detective whom in is charge of the case, Floyd Rose whom the two dislike. Despite this, Phelps calls in the dispute, even though he thinks that the detective might be corrupt. Phelps then continues to work as a patrolman: the two stop a bank robbery-in-progress, catch a bail-jumper, and respond to the call of a shooting in Downtown, Los Angeles. After successfully interrogating the murder suspect and bringing him to justice, the Captain of the Homicide Desk, James Donnelly, gives Cole a promotion to the Traffic Desk of the LAPD as he had proven himself to be a good case worker.

[edit] Traffic Desk

After his promotion, Phelps is moved to the LAPD Central Division 1 Police Station, or Police Headquarters in Downtown, Los Angeles. Now a detective, Phelps receives his new partner, Detective Stefan Bekowsky. The two then solve a case involving a man who faked his death with a blood-stained car, catch a double-homicide suspect involved in a hit-and-run and stabbing, and finally bring to justice a film producer responsible for the statutory rape and attempted murder of a young aspiring actresss and the attempted murder of an older actress married to a mobster. Following a shootout between a group of mobsters after the film producer at an old, abandoned movie set in which Phelps and Bekowsky come out triumpant, Phelps superior, Captain Gordon Leary gives Phelps a promotion to Burglary. Phelps also meets seedy and corrupt Vice Desk Detective Roy Earle on the desk, who introduces Cole to a damaged German Hollywood lounge singer, Elsa Lichtmann.

[edit] Homicide Desk

After serving six months at Robbery, Phelps is once again promoted to Homicide, where is and his new veteran and old school partner, Detective Finbarr "Rusty" Galloway solve a series of very similar and gruesome murders committed by a serial killer: the same man who killed Elizabeth Short in The Black Dahlia murder that same year, known as the Black Dahlia, B.D., or the Werewolf Killer. At first, Galloway believes all the murders to have been committed by the victim's husband or boyfriend, and believes that each is only a copy-cat of the previous, with no connection at all. Finally, however, they realize, after arresting five innocent men, that the murders were committed by one man. The two then bring him to justice in a shootout at an abandoned church catacombs, following a trail of notes and clues left by the killer, who strung the two along. Once he is killed, Captain Donnelly dismisses the case and releases the innocent quietly, explaining that the killer is a relative of one of the most powerful political men in the country.

[edit] Vice Desk

Phelps is then promoted to the Vice Department, also known as Administrative or Ad Vice. He and his new partner Roy Earle, who is himself corrupt, succeed in halting LA's drug trade, government-issued morphine in particular and bringing down several big time drug dealers, including associates of mobster, Mickey Cohen, an associate of Al Capone. However, Phelps's past comes back to haunt him when a Marine from his former unit is found shot dead. Phelps then discovers many of his former squad members are being targeted for assassination as well, and after meeting with his old comrade, Jack Kelso, who has now become an insurance claims investigator, Phelps deduces the men who will be assassinated, but unfortunately is unable to save most of them. He slowly uncovers that the U.S.S Coolridge, which transported his platoon home at the end of the war, was also carrying a large supply of surplus morphine. Phelps then comes to the conclusion that the deaths of his old comrades are linked to the ship; and the morphine, realising that the men made a pact to sell the morphine on the street. This caused their assassinations by other drug traffickers, including the mob. Phelps also begins an affair outside of his marriage with a German club singer named Elsa Lichtmann, who Earle constantly berates. Phelps is eventually demoted when Earle discloses his affair as a distraction from the other corrupt activities of several city leaders, including himself


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