Taking place in the fictional city of New Detroit, Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon is a completely new game developed by Vicious Cycle that takes on the concept of Earth Defense Force 2017 (Japanese Title "Earth Defense Force 3" developed by SANDLOT). Insect Armageddon continues to follow the rich history of casual fun and addictive gameplay that made the franchise a cult classic. Insect Armageddon also adds a new aspect to the Earth Defense Force series that was born in Japan, with additional elements for all EDF soldiers to experience. The Campaign mode that lets up to three players team up online to battle the insects and aliens across a completely destroyable city. Every EDF soldier is armed with over 150 weapons and four upgradeable armor sets and engages in nonstop arcade action that is the fastest and deadliest in the series. In addition, the game also features a six-player Survival mode that pits a human squad against a nonstop onslaught of the largest enemies the aliens have to offer. New Detroit's giant bug problem is unavoidable, and mankind's last hope lies with the Earth Defense Force to defend the world from the insect swarm, even if it means blowing up the entire city as part of the extermination process.
The epic newcomers are The Battle and Tactical Armors; both completely new to the series. The Battle Armor is a big, hulking monster of an armor suit that specializes in using explosives at close range with the help of an energy shield. The Tactical Armor is also new to the series and my personal favorite. Everyone I had talked to about 2017 loved using the turrets, so we wanted to make turrets come back in a big way. We decided to make an entire armor class dedicated to turrets. We expanded the number of turret types and also lumped mines into this character’s abilities. All in all, the Tactical Armor has the most diverse abilitie
The staples of the series are the Trooper and Jet Armors. The Trooper Armor is much like Storm 1 from the previous titles. He has the widest variety of weapons, but no specific specialization. The Jet Armor is our nod to the character Pale Wing that fans wanted to see return to the series. The Jet Armor has limited flight capabilities and specializes in energy weapons.
Class - Type - Tier
Name - Drop? - Special Info?
Damage Fire Rate
Ammo Reload Time
Auto Locks? Turn Rating
Jet - Assault Rifle - Tier 1
Hasslex B/PX
Cost 0
Damage 25 Fire Rate 7.50/s
Ammo 35 Reload Time 3.00s
Jet - Assault Rifle - Tier 2
Neptanzer Q
Cost 1000
Damage 4x16 Fire Rate 3.00/s
Ammo 28 Reload Time 2.00s
Jet - Assault Rifle - Tier 2
Felnser Plaz T - Bouncing
Cost 500
Damage 42 Fire Rate 5.00/s
Ammo 25 Reload Time 2.20s
Jet - Assault Rifle - Tier 3
Hasslex C/PX
Cost 2100
Damage 48 Fire Rate 7.50/s
Ammo 40 Reload Time 3.00s
Jet - Assault Rifle - Tier 3
Neptanzer Qt
Cost 2500
Damage 4x26 Fire Rate 3.00/s
Ammo 28 Reload Time 2.00s
Jet - Assault Rifle - Tier 3
Plantain Ind. Sique - DROP
Cost 0
Damage 57 Fire Rate 6.00/s
Ammo 18 Reload Time 5.00s
Auto Locks 1 Turn Rating B
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