Hello there again!
This is my thoery on why Cerberus and the Illusive Man have turned againest you in the grand finale of the Mass effect Games.
It appears that Cerberus is out to get Shepard but the reason remains unknown just now. All is going to be revealed at the start of the game. When the Trail begins and is rudely interrupted by the Reapers.
Have a close look at the Illusive Man in ME2 and you notice his eyes are extremely blue. Some ME fans think he is under Reaper control but i think he is too extreme to be and he is againest them. (We think)
I believe the Illusive Man has allied himself with the Reapers the same reason Saren did with the Reapers in Mass effect 1 he said he was trying to save lives rather than let the Reapers kill everyone. The Illusive Man says he is trying to advance humanity whatever the cost to non-humans. Maybe he believes that if he becomes allies with the Reapers the Reapers will save key people of Humanity. He may be trying to proof himself useful to the machines in order to save The human race.
But with Shepard trying to save the entire Milkly Way this is going to proof diffcult for the mad man. So i think he is out to get you because you are gathering an army againest the Reapers to save everyone. So Cerberus is now on your tail. Remeber this is just my theory based on the Mass Effect 2 events and 1 so don't think this is correct! I do hope it will be though!
I will be doing another article on key choices for Mass effect 3 so come back soon to see it!
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