Saturday, 9 July 2011

Mass Effect Choices

What I about love about this RPG shooting game is that every choice has an effect in the next games. So in theory you decide how it all ends (If it was me i would kill everyone but myself and a hot girl but thats just me)

I will do the ME1 and ME2 choices in no particular order so first of ME2

Ashley or Kaiden:
It does not really matter which one you save they are both doing the smae job as each other so really i don't care which one to save so if you hate one of them kill them on Virime do yourself a favour. i mean you are trying to save everyone else!

If you never got your charm or badness up you have a bit of a problem in ME2 and proablely ME3 because if you killed Wrex you are declared an ememy of all Krogan. Now this will make recuriting the Krogan Clans in ME3 way harder, But if you have your head screwed on right and saved him he returns and is attempting to unite the Krogan Clans and change Krogan history. so this will make your journey in ME3 a lot easier. And if you killed Wrex in ME1 what the hell he is the greatest chracter??

Saving or killing the Council
This may be one of the most important because the Council if you save them at the cost of the alllience ships, they might send their armies in ME3 to fight the Reapers. It does have some efffect if you don't save them because other races are less likely to trust you and fight by your side. Also this gives the Allience a bad rep and they have even more complictaed diplomatic relations with all the other races. If you did save them 9 ships of the Allience perish but more races trust and respect Humanity as a race. But this gives the Allience a chance to rebuild their fleet.

These creatures may be one of your greatest allies if you save them on Noveria in ME1. Some research team found a Rachni Queen egg and hatched it. Now when you kill Lady Bensia or whatever her anme is a choice emerges to save the queen or let her die! If you don't save them they some how return he ME2 and warn you they are out to get you another people to the Lets Get Shepard list. If you save them they return again in ME2 and they say the will help you fight the Reapers and give their thanks for saving their race. They damn better!

Mass Effect 2 Choices

How did you play out Zaeed's loyalty mission?
Did you follow a romantic path in ME2? Did you cheat on your ME partner?
Samara or Morinth?
Destroy or recruit the Geth in Legion's Loyalty mission?
Destroy or preserve the Reaper?
Did you get all of the ship upgrades?
Who died in the suicide mission?
Maybe in Mass effect 3 the Blue Suns may be out to get you if you killed their leader leaving the Factory worker to their graves but either way this will have an effect on people you can choose to join up in your Reaper Resisitance

Samara or Morinth
a mission i wouldn't want to play again! Now Samara is a Justiclar one of the most respected Asari warriors in their whole people and Morinth well she kills people and enjoys it so this choice is quite an obvious one.
If however you wanted a little more action in ME3 and choose Morinth I hope you replay because the Asair people hate you becuase you killed their best justiclaer and valued a killer over one.

Legion's loyalty mission
A choice emerges in Legoins mission you can either commit genoside and kill the Geth they worship they Reapers or brrainwash them to serve the Geth that Legoin is apart of. If you choose to save them you have increased geth numbers and can use them to fight off the Reapers or if that doesn't go to plan have an army againest you if the Reapers take control of them! If you destroyed them you could proablely still recurit the geth but there will be fewer of them to distract the Reapers away from you ....or i mean help you.

Collector Base
The Illusive man just beofre you are about to rig the base offers to set an electric Bomb to fry the collecter but leave the Base intact for study. Cerberus could produce weapons to fight off the Reapers and save Humanity from the threat but remember they are out to get you! So giving them better weapons than you isn't exactly the greatest choice. But if you didn't save it the Illusive man isn't a very happy person. Great you made him angry no wonder he hates you. But regardless of your choice in this game it doesn't change the fact they are out to get you!

Who died in the Sucicde Mission
Well if you saved everyone they all appear somewhere in the game to help you along the way. Perharps it might be easier to recurit their races with they help of one of their most skilled operatives. they might even convince them to join your resistance since you saved one of them againest the odds of a Sucide mission. And you did their loyality missions so they might even help in the battle to retake Earth from the Reapers. Wouldn't mind Grunt he would have killed them before we got there!!

Normandy Upgrades
The Normandys upgrades save your squad from some of the challenges of actually gainng entrance to the base so upgrade the Normandy beofre you go after the Reaper IFF and do the Squad loyality missions!!

So with these tips in mind you should be able to retake Earth from the Reapers without having to undo all your mistakes while battling the Reapers, but if you decided to be a bit of an asshole then great the Human Race is doomed thanks to you!!

So i hope this helps you Mass Effect Fans
Well like us on Facebook, follow us, comment and tell your friends. Good Gaming Aaron Wappler

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