Thursday, 30 June 2011

Total Wipeout Zone

This is for the kinect

Total wipeout a good laugh for people looking for some idiot to make a fool of themselve on telvision. (Well if you are actually going on the show wouldn't take what i just said serious) The show now has its own game for the X-box (Well i hope theres online more fun when you have recorded none on your sky)

The game allows players to do more or less the same course as featured in the show with the ablity to dodge incoming objects, running and ducking under things. Player can do the whole course in one go or try each section of it in mini games for practice so when you go to a friends you won't look like the idiot.

By the way for Wipeout fans the infamous big balls (ooo thats sounds wrong!) will also be featured in the game.  Release Date 6/14/2011
Well its already out if i am not mistaken well proablely am enjoy this funny and entertaining game when you get it. tip you don't want to look like a fool at a friends party or whatever try this a couple of times before you go so you don't get crowned idiot

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