Sunday, 26 June 2011

Red River

Releases July 6th 2011
You assume power over an powerful group of Marine Corps fireteam based in the year 2013 during a made up conflict of  Tajikistan.  A terrist group known as ETIM have launched a mortar assult againest a United Nations FOB (foward operating Base) located in Afganistan which forces the Country to launch operation Enduring Shield, having the United States Marine Corps invade west Tajikistan and wipe out the Insurgent threat.

The Squad Outlaw has to take several town plus an airfield whilist defusing IEDs scattered across the map. The unit also has to secure a dam then do the nessary repairs to get it operational. (Personally wouldn't want to be these guys too many jobs) plus the have to reinforce and offer a helping hand to the FOB right beside the dam.

Afterwards Outlaw has to kill the remaining terrists in a stronghold. Guess what happends China decides too roll in for revenge over the massacre of the 2012 olpmics games (great china is involved the game just got a lot harder my friends....) With China's mightly army this game should be more fun with more people to kill.  I hope

Outlaw is now tasked with slowing down the advance giving all the other marines time to get to a seconday FOB. After Outlaw reachs the FOB it is soon attack by PLA. With heavy Casulities Outlaw barely escapes to safety

The remaining marines are forced to use gurrilia warfare striking againest PLA units. They have to defend bridges that could give the PLA if they fall into their hands. Won't spoil the end for you guys so play it and like us on Facebook. Have a good day

Aaron Wappler

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